UNESCO on the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2003 Convention in 43 languages


Convention title։ Konventë Për Ruajtjen e Trashëgimisë Kulturore Jomateriale
Convention text։ Provided by the Academy of Sciences of Albania

Arabic – authoritative text

Convention title։ اتفاقية بشأن حماية التراث الثقافي غير المادي
Convention text։ The Arabic text of the Convention is one of six authoritative texts


Convention title։ Կոնվենցիա Ոչ Նյութական Մշակութային Ժառանգության Պաշտպանության Մասին
Convention text։ Provided by the Armenian commission for UNESCO


Convention title։ Конвенция За Опазване На Нематериалното Културно Наследство
Convention text։ Provided by the Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Bulgaria to UNESCO


Convention title: Convenció Per A La Salvaguarda Del Patrimoni Cultural Immaterial
Convention text: Provided by the UNESCO Center of Catalonia


Convention title: Pangano la Kuteteza kwa Chikhalidwe Chosakhudzika Chotengera kwa Makolo
Convention text: Provided by the Malawi National Commission for UNESCO

Chinese – authoritative text

Convention title: 保护非物质文化遗产 公 约
Convention text: The Chinese text of the Convention is one of six authoritative texts


Convention title: Konvencija O Zaštiti Nematerijalne Kulturne Baštine
Convention text: Provided by the Croatian Commission for UNESCO


Convention title: Úmluva O Zachovani Nematerialniho Kulturniho Dedictvi
Convention text: Provided by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic


Convention title: Verdrag Inzake/conventie Betreffende De Bescherming Van Het Immaterieel Cultureel Erfgoed
Convention text: Translation by the Vlaams Centrum voor Volkscultuur


Convention title: Verdrag Inzake/conventie Betreffende De Bescherming Van Het Immaterieel Cultureel Erfgoed
Convention text: Official translation by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands

English – authoritative text

Convention title: Convention For The Safeguarding Of The Intangible Cultural Heritage
Convention text: The English text of the Convention is one of six authoritative texts


Convention title: Vaimse Kultuuripärandi Kaitse Konventsioon
Convention text: Official translation by Mari Vaus from Estonian Legal Language Centre


Convention title: Yleissopimus Aineettoman Kulttuuriperinnön Suojelemisesta
Convention text: As provided by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Finland)

French – authoritative text

Convention title: Convention Pour La Sauveguarde Du Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel
Convention text: The French text of the Convention is one of six authoritative texts


Convention title: Convención Para A Salvagarda Do Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial
Convention text: Translation by the University of Vigo


Convention title: Übereinkommen Zur Erhaltung Des Immateriellen Kulturerbes
Convention text: Translation by the National Commission of Luxembourg for the cooperation with UNESCO


Convention text: Translation provided by the German Federal Foreign Office


Convention title: Συμβαση Για Την Προσtασια Της Αυλης Πολιtισtικης Κληρονομιας
Convention text: As provided by the Permanent Delegation of Greece to UNESCO


Convention title: Egyezmény A Szellemi Kulturális Örökség Védelmérõl
Convention text: The translation was made by the National Commission which is part of the Ministry of Education and Culture


Convention title: Convenzione Per La Salvaguardia Del Patrimonio Culturale Inmateriale
Convention text: As provided online by the Italian National Commission for UNESCO


Convention title: 無形文化遺産の保護に関する条約
Convention text: As provided on-line by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan


Convention title: Maafikiano Ya Kulinda Turathi Za Tamaduni Zisizogusika
Convention text: Translated by the Panel of Kiswahili experts convened by the Department of Culture, Ministry of State for National Heritage and Culture, Republic of Kenya


Convention title: 무형문화유산 보호를 위한 협약
Convention text: Translation provided by the Korean National Commission for UNESCO


Convention text: Translation provided by the Department of Heritage, Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism


Convention title: Konvencija Par Nemateriālā Kultūras Mantojuma Saglabāšanu
Convention text: Elaborated by the Latvian Translation and Terminology Centre


Convention title: Nematerialaus Kultūros Paveldo Apsaugos Konvencija
Convention text: Elaborated by the Traduction center, documentation and information for the Government of Lithuania


Convention title: Endagaano Y’okukuuma Obuwangwa N’ennono
Convention text: Provided by the Department of Culture and Family Affairs, Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, Republic of Uganda


Convention title: Биет Бус Соёлын Өвийг Хамгаалах Тухай Конвенц
Convention text: Provided by the Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO


Convention title: अमूर्त साँस्कृतिक सम्पदा संरक्षणसम्बन्धी महासन्धि
Convention text: Provided by UNESCO Kathmandu Office

Northern Sámi

Convention title: Oktasašsoahpamuš Immateriála Kulturárbbi Suodjaleamis
Convention text: As provided by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Finland)


Convention title: کنوانسيون براي پاسداري از ميراث فرهنگي ناملموس
Convention text: Provided by UNESCO Tehran Cluster Office


Convention title: Convenção Para A Salvaguarda Do Património Cultural Imaterial
Convention text: Elaborated by the Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (Brazil)


Convention title: Convenção Para A Salvaguarda Do Património Cultural Imaterial
Convention text: Communicated by the Portuguese Commission for UNESCO


Convention title: Convenţia Pentru Salvgardarea Patrimoniului Cultural Imaterial
Convention text: Provided by the Permanent Delegation of Romania to UNESCO

Russian – authoritative text

Convention title: Международная Конвенция Об Охране Нематериального Культурного Наследия
Convention text: The Russian text of the Convention is one of six authoritative texts


Convention title: Dohovor O Ochrane Nehmotného Kultúrneho Dedičstva
Convention text: Provided by the Ministry of Culture of Slovak Republic


Convention title: Конвенсияи Юнеско Оид Ба Ҳифзи Мероси Фарҳангии Ғайримоддӣ
Convention text: Translation by the Tajikistan National Commission for UNESCO


Convention title: ውዕል ዕቃበ ረቂቕ ባህላዊ ውርሻ (diplays properly only if you install Ethiopic fonts)
Convention text: Provided by the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Eritrea and the Eritrea National Commission for UNESCO


Convention title: Somut Olmayan Kültürel Mi̇rasin Korunmasi Sözleşmesi̇
Convention text: Provided by the Turkish National Commission for UNESCO


Convention title: Номоддий Маданий Меросни Муҳофаза Қилиш Бўйича Халқаро Конвенция
Convention text: Provided by the National Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan for UNESCO


Convention title: Công Ước Về Bảo Vệ Di Sản Văn Hóa Phi Vật Thể
Convention text: Revised by Ministry of Culture and Information and Viet Nam National Commission for UNESCO