International Crafts Festival - Areni

The Museum of Folk Arts named after Hovhannes Sharambeyan, with the support of the RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports, will host the “3rd International Crafts Festival” on September 14 and 15 in Vayots Dzor, titled “Wine and Crafts.”

Around 40 craftsmen from Armenia and 10 countries within the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (Albania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Ukraine, and North Macedonia) will participate in the festival.

During the festival, the national crafts of Armenians and other cultures will be showcased in Vayots Dzor, including carpet weaving, embroidery, lace making, doll making, woodworking, pottery, blacksmithing, jewelry making, straw crafting, and more. For two days, in one of the region’s most symbolic locations—the outdoor area of the Areni wine factory—multi-disciplinary cultural events will take place, featuring national song and dance, master classes, rope dancing, traditional cuisine tastings, and a special program for children.

The festival’s atmosphere will be enhanced by the taste and aroma of wine, which is a signature product of Vayots Dzor, along with traditional, delicious local dishes. Visitors will also have the opportunity to learn about the rich traditions of Armenian winemaking.

The annual international crafts festival began in 2022 in Gyumri, followed by subsequent events in Dilijan, and this time will be held in Areni. This festival is an important initiative aimed at preserving and valuing the intangible cultural heritage within RA communities. Held each year in a different region of RA, it contributes to community involvement, fosters collaboration between individual craftsmen and organizations, and promotes the development of cultural tourism.

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