The List of Urgent Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage of Armenia

  1. Epic “Karos Khach” /religious epic/
Folk Dances

2. Tightrope walking /ritual dance/

Folk Music

3. ”Vichak” (ritual) Songs” / folklore, national holidays/

4. Song ”Avetis”(good tidings) / musical and poetic genre, folklore/

5. Bagpipes (tik) / folk instrumental art/

6. Ud /folk instrumental art/

7. Kamani and kemano /folk instrumental art/

Ideas and Knowledge about Nature

8. ”Khachbur” / ideas about nature and economic development, national holidays/

National Holidays

9. Barekendan (eve of Great Lent or Great barekendan)

Skills and Knowledge related to Traditional Crafts

10. Vordan karmir (Armmenian cochineal): traditional knowledge, skills and experience related to Armenian cochineal

11. Klklan (cup) of Gyumri, Mushurba

12. Felting

13. Shulal carpet

14. Hazarashen (opening in the roof) / folk architecture/

Folk Theatrical Performances

15. Shadow puppetry

Folk Games

16. Koch Wrestling /fighting games/

17. Traditional equestrian vaulting

Folk Culture of Life Support

18. Tradition of using wine jars

Ethnic Language, Dialect

19. The Pontic dialect of the Greek population of Armenia

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