Horse games are games typical of Armenian folk culture. Various equestrian games are known: javelin games, equestrian competitions, horse races, chariot races, team and individual equestrian competitions, etc. For equestrian games, horses undergo special physical training, as a result of which strong steeds are selected. Horse games are a part of the history, culture, lifestyle of the Armenian people and an inseparable part of folk celebrations. In the past, they were played during folk holidays, pilgrimages, and weddings, as well as being a means of combat training for the youth. Horse games had a pronounced ritual function among us. In the folkloric culture of the Armenian people, in fairy tales, in the “Sasna Tsrer”, descriptions of horse games have been preserved, when the winner of the ritual contests, using his riding skills, wins the heart of the bride, including the kingdom of the latter’s father, or at least half of it.
Armenians had ancient traditions of horse breeding, as evidenced by the results of excavations in Teyshebaini, where skeletons of two breeds of horses were found. The mentions of Armenian and Greek historians, in particular about the Armenian cavalry, Ayrudzi, testify to the tradition. Naturally, Armenians also had a rich culture of horse games. According to ethnographer V. Bdoyan’s horse games were famous throughout the entire territory of historical Armenia. They were viable until the 30s of the 20th century, but they were gradually forgotten along with the industrial and urban developments. The memory of the tradition has been mainly preserved due to the existence of a horse racetrack operating in Yerevan, where until the 50s of the 20th century those games were shown. Then the horse games were restored in the 80s of the 20th century.
Now the tradition of horse games is endangered.
The main preserver of the element are the residents of Ashtarak and the “Ayrudzi” public organization.