
A Tradition of Making and Using a Wooden Charm

A wooden charm is a horseshoe-shaped carved wood with geometric, vegetal and cosmic patterns. Currently, there are no restrictions on wood type or size. Used at home to protect the person and in the countryside to protect pets. Wooden charms are placed above the front door, on the front wall of the entrance or on a nearby pillar. To protect the animals, they are hung around the animals’ necks, horns, or on the door of the barn, on the post, and to get a lot of butter, they tie it to a cork string. Small wooden charms are hung on children’s cribs or sewn onto the back of children’s clothing. They are also worn by women along with beads. The cultural feature of wooden charms is that they are pieces of applied art designed with national style emblems expressing the ideas of celestial luminaries, animals, water, fertility cults.

Protective wooden charms are still used today and are widely used, especially among the youth. Currently, the scope of their preparation and use is related to the activities of woodworkers and various social groups that keep alive and preserve the tradition of folk beliefs. Their use has a certain purpose due to the belief of protection from evil forces and aesthetic significance, when the charm is used as an ornament or decoration of the apartment. Modern craftsmen are very successful in copying the old, traditional forms of charms, as well as making new styles of wooden charms that are widely used.


Family Tree

It is a symbol of memory, phenomena, events and processes related to the history of the nation, the origin of the clan. Written information is found from the 19th century. It flourished especially in the 20th century and continues to thrive today. Fixes the awareness of the vertical and horizontal layers of family-blood kinship ties, lineage or super-lineage, memory, perpetuation of lineage names. Early versions of the family tree were a practice of recording the chronology of births and deaths of members of a family on the last page of the Gospel or Holy Book, which later became an independent unit, drawn on paper or in some other form, with an image representing the branching development of several generations through clay, wood carvings (from here (name: “family tree”). Varieties of family trees evolve along with life and modern technological capabilities are also used today.

It is vibrant and continues to evolve in terms of form and content. Today, family trees are drawn up in various artistic and aesthetic solutions, working to include at least seven generations of a family kinship group in vertical and as wide as possible horizontal directions.


“Krunk /Crane/” song

It is a lyrical song of the lyrical genre on the theme of sojourn, which embodies two characters. The crane is the allegorical character of the song, and the poet is essentially the main character, the lyrical hero. These two different, completely opposite lyrical figures are united, as a result of which the crane is no longer seen as an allegorical figure, but personifies the exiled poet, the exiled man.

Together, the two become the worldwide symbol of Armenian people.

Being invented as a written song and finding distribution

mainly in written form – preserved his invention

features, measure and rhyme, substance and content. It has a linguistic and stylistic expressiveness, an original verbal and pictorial system. Perpetuated in society, transmitted through formal and informal learning.


Gyumri City Forged Cultural Heritage

The work is guaranteed by the Scientific Council of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia.

The work was carried out within the framework of a grant program awarded by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia in the category “Intangible Cultural Heritage Preservation Programs”.

Gyumri City Forged Cultural Heritage.pfd


“Let’s Play Armenian” Manual

This manual was prepared with the support of the RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports. The NGO Kentron Civil Society Development NGO is responsible for the content of the manual.

The purpose of the manual is to promote the preservation, revitalization and transmission of intangible cultural heritage to future generations through the restoration and presentation of traditional local games.

<<>Let’s Play Armenian> Manual․pdf