Դարբնության վարպետաց դասեր Լիբանանում

Blacksmithing master classes in Lebanon

Դարբնության վարպետաց դասեր Լիբանանում

May 11-23, on the initiative of Haykazyan University and with the participation of the Museum of Folk Arts, 15 Armenian schools in Lebanon (Beirut, Antilias, Anchar) held master classes in Armenian blacksmithing.
The program was held with the participation of Gayane Aslanyan, Deputy Director of Museum Development, and Gyumri blacksmith Hovhannes Mnoyan.
For the 3rd year, the Museum of Folk Arts has been conducting folk crafts master classes for the students of the Armenian schools of Beirut, at the invitation of Haykazian University of Beirut, represented by Andranik Dakesyan, director of the University’s Armenian Diaspora Study Center.
The master classes, implemented in cooperation between the Museum of Folk Arts and Haykazian University of Beirut, are held within the museum’s “Identity Lab” school.
Let’s remind that “Tradition of blacksmithing in Gyumri” was registered in the list of intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO in 2023.

The Magic of Lavash Festival

“The Magic of Lavash” Festival

The Magic of Lavash Festival

On the initiative of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Armenia and “Ardini” Educational, Cultural and Tourism Development Foundation, “The Magic of Lavash” festival will take place in the Arevik community of Shirak region of Armenia on September 23, 2023. It is dedicated to the 20th anniversary of UNESCO’s Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

In the Soviet period, the Arevik village was famous for its bakers and lavash baking traditions, which have been almost lost in the last 20 years. People honored the village and called it Lavashgrad, which means “the capital of lavash”.
The main purpose of the festival is to revive the settlement that was famous for its bakers and lavash during the Soviet era, to restore the traditional ways of baking lavash and to discover a new direction of gastro tourism in the region.

Various events will take place during the festival, including a demonstration of dishes prepared with lavash and the process of baking lavash in the oven, a lavash-themed theater performance, traditional games and a pottery master class. As for children, there will be outdoor painting and entertaining performances.
The implementation of the “Magic of Lavash” festival is very important because of the nomination of Armenia “Lavash, the preparation, meaning and appearance of traditional bread as an expression of culture in Armenia” inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity of UNESCO in 2014.

The Birth of Crafts

The Birth of Crafts

The Birth of Crafts

Hovhannes Sharambeyan Museum of Folk Arts is a unique hearth of national culture. The mission of the Museum is to safeguard, ensure the continuity and popularize the values of tangible and intangible cultural heritage. The collection of the Museum (around 12.000 exhibits) includes samples of different branches of Armenian decorative-applied art (woodworking, metalworking, stone carving, embroidery, lace making, rug and carpet weaving, ceramics, as well as works of self-educated painters).
The Museum, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, presents the program “The Birth of Crafts”. In the framework of the program, 6 short (1-2-minutes long) animated films with stop-motion and other animation techniques are being created. The films will feature folk crafts and related skills that are part of the intangible cultural heritage of Armenia- rug and carpet weaving, embroidery and lace making, felting, woodworking,
blacksmithing, ceramics. Animation techniques will make it possible to revive samples of folk art and, as a result, make them more attractive to the viewer. The animated films will feature a step-by-step process of creating samples of Armenian folk crafts, basic ornaments, as well as a brief historical sketch. A lot of work is being done to show the most important fragments of Armenian folk art with a long history within a few seconds of the animation and convey them to the viewer’s heart.
Ornaments bearing certain meaningful elements are often repeated on various samples of Armenian folk art, it may be wood, clay, metal or textile, and the collation of these short films will allow one to see those similarities, perceiving

Armenian culture as one integral system. After the completion of the production process animated films can be disseminated among the general public (local and foreign), go beyond the Museum of Folk Arts, serving as educational material in various institutions of formal and non-formal education, they can serve as a material demonstrating the cultural side of the tourist attractiveness of Armenia,
can be shown on television, on screens accompanying various international exhibitions and other events, presenting elements of the intangible cultural heritage of the Republic of Armenia in a brief, simple and attractive way. Soundwise and visually attractive material, and especially animation, which gives new life to inanimate objects, are attractive not only for children, but also for adults.
With this method, it will be possible to “tell” a large number of people about the rich Armenian culture, in particular, about folk crafts, in an attractive way.
One sample of Armenian folk art, such as a rug, can tell a whole story that is passed down from generation to generation and makes up one of the passports of the Armenian identity.

Traditional games festival

“Let’s Play Traditional Games” festival, August 27, 2023

Let's_Play_Traditional_Games_festival,_August_27,_2023 (1)

On August 27, 2023, within the European Heritage Days, the festival Let’s Play Traditional Games, will take place in “Zvartnots” Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve (included in the UNESCO World Heritage List) by the initiative of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of RA and the “Service for the Protection of Historical Environment and Cultural Museum-reservations” State Non-commercial Organization.
The festival is dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage

During the festival, Armenian, as well as national minorities’ traditional games will be presented, competitions will be organized, engaging different communities, cultural organizations and individuals.

Folk games have an ancient origin and a special role in the process of forming cultural identity, carrying historical and cultural information about national traditions. During games, players practice various skills which contribute to their personal development, education, patriotism, and cultural entertainment. The games are transmitted from generation to generation and foster intergenerational dialogue.

Armenia Joined the

“Wiki Loves Living Heritage”

Armenia Joined the

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the UNESCO 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, the international campaign “Wiki Loves Living Heritage” has been launched (on the initiative of the European Network of Focal Points for the UNESCO 2003 Convention (ENFP)) since March 2023.
The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Armenia and the Hovhannes Sharambeyan Museum of Folk Arts, together with “Wikimedia Armenia”, have joined this Campaign through a competition project from
August 1. The project has two sections: photo competition and editorial competition. The photo competition under the title “Safeguarding Living Heritage” will take place on the initiative of the European Network of Focal Points for the UNESCO 2003 Convention.
Photos related to the intangible cultural heritages of RA with a brief description should be uploaded onto the Wiki platform or sent to the e-mail address [email protected] by September 15.
The best 5 selected photos will be sent to the European Network of Focal Points, and the results will be announced by October 17.
The purpose of the editorial competition of the project is to distribute and publicize materials about
Armenian intangible cultural heritage on Wikipedia. English and Armenian articles are planned to be pօsted on Wikipedia by the end of the year.
“Wikimedia Armenia” will hold a one-day training course to support volunteers involved in editing articles and uploading photos. The program will be concluded at the Hovhannes Sharambeyan Museum of Folk Arts with the presentation of certificates of appreciation.
In case of any questions, contact can be made by writing to the email address [email protected] or sending a message to the museum’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/cpc.arm
More details of the project can be found on the Wikipedia page: https://tinyurl.com/yr9mrdps.

Dilijan 2 (1)

Call for International Crafts Festival in Dilijan, Armenia

Dilijan 2 (1)

The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the Republic of Armenia and Hovhannes Sharambeyan Museum of Folk Arts organize the International Crafts Festival, which is scheduled to be held in Dilijan, Armenia from September 30 to October 1, 2023, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the UNESCO Convention.

Masters of folk art from different countries of the world are invited to participate in the festival, present their works in Dilijan and conduct master classes. On September 30 and on October 1 Dilijan will become a center of crafts, national songs and dances, fairy tales, folk tales, delicious dishes, and unforgettable impressions. In the pavilions located in several zones, local residents and tourists will be able to be acquainted with the rich variety of national crafts of Armenia and the invited countries and take part in master classes.

Organizers cover the travel expenses, the costs of accommodation, food, pavilion rental, and internal transfer for 10 invited participants from different countries.
Due to geographical and financial factors, priority is given to masters from the following countries: the Islamic Republic of Iran, Georgia, Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia.

The purpose of the festival is the foundation of new platforms for establishing creative connections between interested structures and organizations, communities, as well as individuals to exchange experience, and to form an intercultural dialogue within the framework of safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage.
The contact person for the International Crafts Festival is the director of the Hovhannes Sharambeyan Museum of Folk Arts-Lusine Toroyan (tel. +374 91 721 207, e-mail –[email protected], [email protected]).


The embroidery culture of the Syrian-Armenian community of Armenia


Skills and knowledge related to traditional craft, decorative-applied art.

The embroidery school of Cilicia, whose carriers are Syrian-Armenian women, was formed on the basis of the traditions of the Ani school. In Cilicia, however, several centers stand out, the most prominent of which are Marash, Aintap, Urfa. The oldest examples of embroidery made with the Marash pattern in Armenia are from the 18th century, but 14th-15th centuries dated examples are preserved in the Ashmolean Museum at the University of Oxford. Armenians have settled in Syria since ancient times, but a large Armenian community was formed in Aleppo at the beginning of the 20th century, after the Genocide. Cilicia-Armenians from Aintap, Marash, Urfa and other cities settled here, who brought with them the knowledge and skills of Armenian crafts, through which they were able not only to make a living, but to keep the tradition alive, to create unique designs of embroidery and lace. The high-quality handicrafts of Armenian women and girls greatly helped them to maintain their existence in a foreign environment. Missionaries contributed to this, providing raw materials to Armenian women working at home, as well as opening workshops in orphanages. Armenian women often united and worked in groups. Their skills were later passed on from mothers to their children and grandchildren, they were taught not only in families, but also in newly created creative associations. Later, thanks to the great work of Armenian women, fashion productions based on embroidery traditions were created in Aleppo.
Syrian Armenian women master more than 15 types of embroidery and lace. In embroidery, the works made with Aintap, Marash, Urfa, Tigranakert, Kilis, Swazi, Van, Malatia stitches, as well as “Shadow work”, “Blind work”, “Titeghi work” techniques are especially noticeable. In lace making, in addition to the traditional embroidered lace, they master the needle-helu, small shuttle, lace and “Lasse” techniques. Syrian-Armenian women have preserved and developed the sewing techniques specific to the Cilicia embroidery school, creating new ornaments and household objects, decorative works in line with modern times. “Aintap stitch” is a special type of threading, which is embroidered by removing the threads of the cloth in the direction of the width and length of the fabric and obtaining grids of the desired shape. Aintap threading is done together with a dumbbell and linear platformers. Currently, embroidery is done on a thicker cloth, keeping the principle, and the new style is called “Hartnkar”. “Marashi stitch” is secret, also known as “woven” stitch. The thread operating in this pattern had a certain order of transitions, a mandatory path to form the simplest ornament, the working thread passed through the same line four times, according to which, only the first and second rows were attached to the cloth, the last two rows were woven over the first ones. “Marashi” embroidery is made with twisted thin cotton threads, on cotton and velvet cloths, using vegetable and geometric ornaments. The Sebastia-Swazi stitch is the Tars stitch. the ornament with colored threads shapes the cloth not from the surface, but from underneath, in order to get the desired pattern on the surface. “Kilis stitch” is a top stitch, a combination of two different colored pieces, the upper one of which was cut according to the ornaments and attached to the takin so that the other colored piece was visible, creating a cut ornament. “Urfa” embroidery is flat, it is made with colored silk threads, sometimes with gold thread, on silk or cotton cloths, exclusively with floral patterns. With the aforementioned sewing and lace techniques, women and girls continue to create the most diverse items for everyday use: tablecloths, blankets, handkerchiefs, curtains, different parts of clothing, dowry accessories for young girls, the best samples of which are donated by women as a vow to the church.
Syrian-Armenian women who moved to Armenia continue to keep alive their inherited embroidery and lace-making traditions. The preservation of the originality and characteristic features of the historical Cilicia embroidery school, their uninterrupted transmission and bringing to the present day is of great importance for the development, dissemination and new appreciation of this field of folk art.


The students of Mkhitar Sebastatsi Educational Complex at the Museum of Folk Arts


Today in the museum, within the framework of a tour-interactive lesson, we hosted the students of the 3rd grade of the Arjelyan school of the Mkhitar Sebastatsi educational complex and teacher Varsik Atoyan.

The children first got acquainted with the rich history of the museum, heard interesting stories about unique specimens, then illustrated the wooden decorations with carpet ornaments ան took them with them as a souvenir from the museum.

It should be reminded that in order to participate in the museum’s educational programs, it is necessary to register in advance.


Harvest holiday in Sasunik

Եկեք միասին տոնենք հերթական փառահեղ բերքահավաքի ավարտը։

 Ըմբոշխնենք տարվա վերջին բացօդյա տոնակատարությունը Վան Արդի թիմի հետ, ազգային երգ ու պարով։
ԱՆՍԱՀՄԱՆԱՓԱԿ գինի, եւ համեղ ավանդական խորովածն ու հարիսան երաշխավորում ենք։

Տոնը կշքեղացնի Գագիկ Գինոսյանը ավանդական պարերի վարպետաց դասով, և էթնիկ երաժշտությունը Մուսա Լեռան թմբուկի ձայների ներքո։


Տեղերը սահմանափակ են։ Տոմսերն ամրագրել նախապես։
Հոկտեմբերի 20-ին, ժամը 14:00-ին Վան Արդի այգիներում Անձը՝ 7000 դրամ

ՏՈՄՍԵՐԻ ՀԱՄԱՐ Զանգակարել՝ 093 770353 Գրել՝ [email protected]


The 150th anniversary of the birth of Hovhannes Toumanian is included in the UNESCO calendar

“The 150th anniversary of the birth of Hovhannes Toumanian (1869-1923), poet, writer, translator” submitted by Armenia with the support of Georgia and Russian Federation is included in the UNESCO 2018-2019 calendar of historic events and the anniversaries of eminent personalities.

#թումանյան150 #նշվումէյունեսկօիհետհամատեղ